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Product - Official Statistics News

Human Development Index (IPM) of Tulungagung Regency in 2020

Human Development Index (IPM) of Tulungagung Regency in 2020

Release Date : March 10, 2021
File Size : 0.82 MB


Human development is defined as the process of enlarging people's choice. HDI is an important indicator to measure success in efforts to build the quality of human life (community / population). The HDI describes how residents can access development outcomes in terms of income, health, education, and so on. HDI was introduced by UNDP in 1990 and the calculation method was revised in 2010. The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) adopted a new HDI calculation methodology change in 2014 and conducted backcasting since 2010. HDI is formed by three basic dimensions, namely longevity and life. healthy (a long and healthy life),
 knowledge, and a decent standard of living. Longevity and healthy life are described by life expectancy at birth (UHH), which is the number of years that newborn babies are expected to live with, assuming that the pattern of mortality by age at birth is the same throughout the age of the baby. Knowledge is measured through indicators of the average length of schooling and the expected length of schooling. The mean length of schooling (RLS) is the average length of time (years) for the population aged 25 years and over
in undergoing formal education. Expectations for the length of schooling (HLS) are defined as the length (years) of formal schooling that children are expected to experience at a certain age in the future. An adequate standard of living is described by adjusted per capita expenditure, which is determined by the value of per capita expenditure and purchasing power parity.

HDI is an indicator used to see developments in the long term. To see the progress of human development, there are two aspects that need to be considered, namely speed and status of achievement. HDI is calculated based on the geometric mean of the health index, knowledge index, and expenditure index. The calculation of the three indexes is carried out by standardizing the minimum and maximum values ​​for each index component.
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